Thursday, October 16, 2008

Resetting the American Dream - V

10 Practices to Reset our Standard of Living:

1. Work - Get the best paying job possible and work full time with at least one day off per week.

2. Family - Life is easier with a partner and it's cheaper to stay married. Then raise kids and teach them your values.

3. Education - Get then give your children an education (12 free years of public school plus life lessons at the dinner table) that prepares them for character choices and career opportunities.

4. Thrift - Live simply, within your means by saving money to make purchases and avoiding consumer debt.

5. Morals - Do not break the law, practice ethics and love your neighbor.

6. Health - Maintain your well being with prayer, proper rest, diet, exercise and recreation.

7. Responsibility - Keep your word, pay your bills, stay committed to relationships and make things right when they go wrong.

8. Give - Tithe, give to charity and volunteer to serve in the community.

9. Prosperity - Use your wealth to bless others and to maintain justice rather than creating a class system.

10. Remember - it's a dream, not a promise or an entitlement. Be thankful and content.