Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Pastor's Vacation - I

Why does a guy who only works one hour, one day a week need a vacation???

First because of comments like those plus...

I'm burned out; addicted to thinking about church; too attached to my phone, email and the clock; life and work are out of balance; people withdraw more from a pastor than they deposit; I don't have a hobby; I care much about people and the organization's future and need a space where I don't have to care; I haven't taken a vacation this year; I've worked extra hard this fall; I'm taking an anti-depressant; My wife told me to; My counselor told me to; I need to clear my head; I have nothing left to give; I'm empty and drained; I am always tired; I need new clarity and focus; My staff needs me to be nicer; My kids need their dad to have more energy; I haven't taken care of myself; I need to re-prioritize marriage and ministry; To love others I have to love myself; I need to stop. I'm stopping.