Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The AZ/So. Nevada Nazarene District of 60+ churches gathered in Prescott for 10 days of services and fellowship.

Dr. Schortinghouse brought in 2 speakers: Jack Eyestone and Gary Haines.

Some thoughts:
  • God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Campmeeting was geared towards the Abraham generation with a few appearances for Isaac.
  • Being a lover of expositional studies, I received little help from the preached word.
  • Being Wesleyan in theology, I received little help from the "semi-eradication" in the American Holiness sermons.
  • The Abraham generation was negative about the new proposal for a gymnasium and dormintory for children and youth. One pastor responded, "Why, ya'll be dead in 10 years!"
  • There was wide consensus of disappointment, yet the regulars will return next year.
  • Re-creation is needed not evolution.
  • Self fulfilling prophecy from the denomination's decadel emphasis on children and youth: "You're Losing Us."