Monday, June 30, 2008

Africa/Europe - 6

I think we need a THEOLOGY OF INCONVENIENCE. A Biblical perspective when we are uncomfortable, undone, and undercared for.

Like when your stuck in a foreign country alone, people make you late, you missed your favorite t.v. show, you have to park farther than you like, you've missed your exit, the waiter forgets your order, your alarm clock doesn't go off or your dog eats your homework.

You hear people's theology speaking things like..."he's unlucky, she deserves it, what goes around comes around, lucky dog, the enemy's attacking me, I'm blessed, I'm favored, this always happens to me, it's not fair" etc.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks of blessings being beyond our circumstances. What if this is true? Can I live beyond my circumstances and quit complaining, feeling sorry for myself or blaming others. This theology could even affect my bad mood, hopefully!