Thursday, February 26, 2009

Disturbance in the Force, Glitch in the Matrix

Historical What Happened...

Israel was once a great nation. In 586 BC, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and forced many of the people of God into exile and the rest to scatter. This was a shocking event because the Jews believed as long as the Temple was in the city center their political/military greatness would never end. After the fall, Lamentations describes Jerusalem as a naked widow, abandoned by her lovers with her menstration sticking to her skirt.
This did not end their relationship with a faithful God but changed their religion. The Temple rituals and festivals were over and scholars believe this is when the idea of synagogue started.
With the Temple dysfunctional, people gathered, with a minimum of 10, as a house of prayer and house of study. The Temple was rebuilt and destroyed again and many people still are waiting for another Temple.

Contemporary What If...

The Church was once a great institution.
Is the church a naked widow?
Has culture conquered the church?
How do we respond to the church not being the center of society?
Should we learn to live as exiles?
How is the church dysfunctional?
How does this shift effect our worship gatherings?
Are the days of mega churches over?
What is the place of the house church?
Are we waiting to change the church while we should be wanting to changed the world?
With all the changes, how do we continue in relationship with our faithful God?