Sunday, July 6, 2008

Africa - 9


We met for services at Kampala International University, home of the Giraffes! Scott preached Saturday evening on God's creation story and his calling of us to join him in co-creation. I preached Sunday morning and spoke out of Mark on being captured by God's love and joining Jesus in his revolution of mercy, justice and reconciliation. Both crowds were made up of students that number 200+. The welcome was warm and we made many friends and will stay in touch through email.

Dave and Breilan both preached at a village church called Disciples of Christ Fellowship. They shared out of Philippians. Breilan spoke first followed by worship and then Dave spoke. Again a crowd of 200+ and they were asked if we could all return for a pastor's conference. It was Breilan's first time preaching and I heard he did a great job!

Pastor Kennedy of University Family Church at KIU has been gracious and hospitable along with his staff in caring for all our needs. He concluded our service with a phrase that is working on me...

"The church sleeps in the light, as the world is dying in the darkness".