Friday, September 19, 2008

4 Kinds of Emerging Churches

Mark Driscoll just wrote a descriptive article for Christian Research Journal on What is the Emerging Movement. Driscoll states that the movement started as a dirt path and is now a 4 lane highway. You can see his synopsis here
Mark is kind and honest (unusual for the "cussing pastor") and believes the first 3 Lanes are Orthodox and the 4th is not (while admitting he doesn't know Bell).

1. Emerging Evangelical
Lane: Start new churches with cool services
People: Dan Kimball, Donald Miller

2. Emerging House Church
Lane: Against church buildings and institutions
People: Shane Claiborne, George Barna

3. Emerging Reformed
Lane: Reformed theology, Charismatic, Only Male Pastors
People: Mark Driscoll, John Piper

4. Emerging Liberal
Lane: Questioning Orthodox beliefs, Ambiquous answers
People: Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, Doug Pagitt

I WANT A 5TH LANE!!! Emerging Wesleyan
Lane: A middle way of Truth and Love between the Reformed and Liberal
People: so and a few friends

OR... No label or lane at all that will further divide God's people, thus making it harder to answer Jesus' prayer in John 17 (that they may be one as we are one). Even better... "By this all men will know you are my disciples, by what label you subscribe to" (John 13:35)