Thursday, September 11, 2008

Marriage and Ministry

In Ireland, I had my first sip of whisky. It was terrible, so I added lots of Coke. This made it bearable. Sometimes ministry is like that. There are weeks of unkind comments and people acting like people and it gets very tiresome. I could not survive working at a church without my wife Kristan. She is lots of Coke to me.

At our wedding reception, Kristan's sister, Angie, toasted us with, "your ministry will only be as strong as your marriage". True. We have experienced both results of this statement.

The battle for balance in a pastor's home is ongoing and can be more challenging when both are pastors. Our kids have attended more church services and events than most people in a life time. We continue to find the key is the same as in all of life: Focus on Jesus and let him do through us rather than us frantically doing for him.

My daughter turned 6 today! On her wall are the pencil marks of how tall she has grown this past year (about 5 inches). Other than a few late nights and ministry trips, I've been able to watch her growth. And hopefully she senses our growth as marriage and ministry are mixed together.